5 Tails on Tuesday by Charybdis

5 Tails on Tuesday by Charybdis

MoMo & Charlotte brought rain with them. It is a slow steady down pour that Mommy says is good for our butterfly garden as well as our vegetable garden. They also brought books for Mommy about Australian butterflies. The books are Butterflies of Australia by Michael F. Braby.

Mommy hopes that one day she will get to visit Australia and see these beautiful butterflies in person.

We started our day with a breakfast of freshly picked blueberries in cream.

We girls Charlotte, Scylla and myself have been looking through fashion magazines. MoMo has agreed to take us to Deedy's Famous Dress shop in Ocean Springs tomorrow. Today MoMo & Socks went to take dance lessons. Here is a picture of them doing the Tango.

Photo by SS

They are taking the dance lessons at the community center down the road from our house.

Since it is raining we are going to spend the rest of the day lazing around the house.

Photo by SS (Scylla on the arm of the chair, MoMo, Socks and Charlotte. Charybdis is on the back of the couch)

Tomorrow we are going to get up super early so we can go shopping and show MoMo & Charlotte around Ocean Springs.

We are having grilled salmon with a green salad for supper. Then we are going to watch Star Trek the Next Generation and Enterprise DVD's and eat popcorn until bedtime. All our friends are welcome to come over and watch DVD's and eat popcorn with us.

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