50-50 and Turtles

50-50 and Turtles

Nikita and Elvira picked a winner for their contest. You simply must read the cute story they created about picking the winner Soups On! Announcing Summer Travel Stories, and Tips Contest Winner, and yes it did drive us nuts with suspense as we were one of the two contestants.

Chicken Soup is one of our favorite foods, we gets it as a treat when Mom can afford it. We likes the taste, she likes that it is good for us. So we are thrilled that we won.

For those of you who read about our recent bout with tummy troubles, Mommy has determined that Scylla's throwing up (which is actually more regurgitating)  is probably due to Scylla's eating too fast. She tends to gobble her food. Mommy has been trying to give Scylla small snacks of food when she is the only one around. Scylla tends to eat slower that way. Artemisia's constipation and then the opposite may have been just a fluke, as Mommy reintroduced the food to us and we haven't had any problems.  Mommy did take AnimalPal's advice and mix it in with the dry food we normally get, so getting high quality food wouldn't be such a shock to Miss Stinky's system. There is also the fact that we likes the taste of Chicken Soup so much that we eats more of it then we normally eat. Generally we eats more of the canned cat food and less of the dry. See at supper time Mommy gives us canned catfood first then if we are still hungry we gets dry catfood.  Also Mommy didn't know that you are suppose to slowly introduce food, she has always just bought whatever cat or dog food she could afford that is on her list of OK foods and given it to us. This is the first time we had problems. 

Also some of you asked Artemisia about the turtle she discovered. Thunder even thought it might have been his friend Tony. We hopes it wasn't Tony as Mommy found it dead a few days later. Mommy doesn't know what happened to him although she thinks he may have been behind one of her heavy flower pots when the wind blew it over and got crushed. Gotta run the Dad took today off and Mommy has yard work to do.

- Scylla Sunday
I LOVES this box. Not only is it a good box to lay in but do you know what was in it? Canned catfood. Mommy has had trouble finding my diet canned catfood at the grocery store and she didn't feel like driving to Petsmart so she ordered it online....

- Fenris Week 2 ~eukanuba 28-day Challenge
Well I just has to confess nothing taste better then leftover TURKEY & HAM, we are talking the real deal here. I thinks Thanksgiving should always be at our house. Not only did Mommy cook foods, Grandma brought lots of foods too and the cats and me...

- Fenris Friday
I am a very Happy Guy, When I one the stuff from Mr. Chewy not only did we get a bag of Chicken Soup dog food and a bag of cat food we got some treats for me. I gots.............................. Mommy likes them because they are good for me. I LIKES...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

- Petfood Worries
This is just gross Nebraska By-Products converts unwanted dead animals into high-energy dog food, other useful products. And this just makes us sick A year to forget at Menu Foods It was a year Paul Henderson says he would rather forget. From the moment...

