A Banner Weekend

A Banner Weekend

As I write this post... it is snowing again. 
Another 7 or so inches are predicted...time will tell.

( This is Ella Bella-chick...given that name this Super Bowl weekend because of her continual scowl.)

Our weekend flew by so very quickly...
spent with friends and their two labs Lola And Roxy.
You might remember in the tale about the farm history, I had mentioned that the farm
was purchase with another couple.
It was this couple who spent the weekend with us.

Needless to say, it was a perfect winter weekend...
a great mix of outdoor activities,
time spent by the fire with good conversation,
good food...

(Peach-raspberry pie from last summer's fruit)
and very happy pups!

We hiked and hiked and the dogs romped along side us...
loving the snow and every minute they were out in it!

They romped and romped for hours.

Hubbs and I had the opportunity to cross-country ski...

and also to try out our new snow shoes.

I love the snow shoes...it makes walking in the snow much easier and faster!

As for cross-country skiing...
there is a little bigger learning curve with that...
and will take some time until I feel confident.
The air was cold and crisp...with temperatures in the teens most of the weekend.
Amazingly, even in this cold, we worked up quite a sweat doing all of our outdoor activities!

To Karla Jo, who asked last week how I get everything done in 24 hours...

I am by nature an early riser (always have been).  The flip side of that, however, is I am
an early-to-bed type of person, also.  But when I awaken, I hit the ground running.  I try to shower as soon as I rise and then throw on my work clothes and out I go.  I am very organized about the farm chores and pretty much have them down to a science.  Winter complicates things a little.  Manure clean-up is more of a challenge when the manure freezes into the ice and snow.  I am not one to sit during the day...except when I am reading email.  I divide my day into segments and set goals for completion of the days tasks in each segment.  I keep myself fairly scheduled.

I try to stay on top of chores like laundry, ironing, dishes, vacuuming, so that things don't pile up.
Now, here is my confession... I have help with the cleaning.  During the summer time this is essential, as there are many days in which I leave the house in the morning and don't return until it's time to make dinner. 

At first I tried assigning myself a room a day, but found that then the house was never entirely clean.
So....help was the solution.  This is the biggest factor in my not getting completely overwhelmed.

Evenings are my time to knit.  If I sit....I knit.

I do love the farm work the best of all that I do....which is a good thing, because there is always
plenty of it to do!

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