A Berry Good Day

A Berry Good Day

April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Strawberries in June!! We have had a rather moist Spring this year which made for excellent growth of our strawberry patch. Now the plants are loaded with ripening berries and the hot weather has arrived just in time.
Saturday was our first official "pickin" day and one search through all of the plants yielded 10 quarts of ripe berries. Most of these were quickly turned into jam, with a few being saved for scrumptious Shortcake!

- Hay There! It's Berry Pickin' Time!
We have had a wonderful mix of sun and rain this spring.I'm not complaining, because it makes for perfect gardens.However....it really messes with bringing in the hay. We need 4 days (at least of warm weather, slight breeze and no rain to make hay.Friday...

- Sneak Peak...berries
This is what my strawberry patch has in it right now....lots and lots of blossoms.And....some immature fruit.In just a few short weeks we will be overflowing with red, ripe strawberries. Oh,  I can hardly wait...strawberry jam,strawberry shortcake,strawberry...

- Amazing...
Today is September 5th and I just took this picture this evening. We have one row of ever-bearing strawberry plants in our garden...and they are true to their name! We have had berries of one type or another ripe to pick for the last 3 months non-stop....

- A Garden Gone Wild!
A very moist summer has made excellent growing conditions for our most prolific crop....WEEDS! We have had a fantastic berry harvest this year. Even the wild blackberries that line our woods are bursting with plump ripe fruit (watch out for chiggers,though!)....

- Sign Of The Times...bee Haven News
A new addition graces the corner of our little lane that cuts between horse pastures, goat pastures and chicken yard. For a long time we traveled around the farm by Gator (vehicle) on dirt paths. But, the past two years' increasingly rainy weather...

