A Little Surprise

A Little Surprise

We are doing a little waddle dance
here at the farm.

The ducks are excited
and so are we!!!

Last night while changing the water in the duck hut,
my daughter

Three grey duck eggs!
Our first.

Raising this flock of ducks has been such a pleasure.
We still have the whole flock of 18...
no casualties!

Have you ever eaten a duck egg?

They taste just slightly stronger than chicken eggs,
with a slightly larger, orange yolk
that stands up nice and tall when cracked in the pan.

Duck eggs are slightly higher in fat and cholesterol.

They have more albumen in the whites than chicken eggs,
(albumen is the protein in the whites)
and this causes them to cook up higher,
making duck eggs superior for baking.

When not using them for baking,
we will most likely hard boil these eggs
and use them for our "girls'" breakfast.
(the girls are our dogs!)

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