A Walk On The Wild Side....Week 6

A Walk On The Wild Side....Week 6

After much technical difficulty...thank you Blogger...or maybe thank you i-photo...
not sure who the trouble maker is....

I have finally figured out a new way to post photos for this post that almost wasn't.
I've got to tell you... I can maintain my cool through any medical emergency,
but when technology fails...I have a major melt down.
There are just some things in this world that I need to "just work" without complication.

So, here is camera 1 deep in the woods where three trails merge.
Ninety-seven photos...lots of activity at this little intersection in the woods...
several to share here....

Hubbs and Co. out for a bike ride...

Another opossum....do we really need so many of these?

Lovely Mr. Buck...6 to 8 points....

Hello little Fox with bushy tail....

The girls....dog hiking....

Same day....different buck....

Here's a new one....Wiley Coyote!

And Mr. Coyote from the back....

Mr. Fox returns....

Guess who?

And from camera 2:
There were 555 photos... 530 of which were the wind blowing.
The remaining were...

Several more buck....

Got milk?

The obligatory 'possum photo...
"My, what big eye's you have!"

Doe, a deer....

Feral white and black cat...

Today we search for a new location for this particular camera...
too many trees in front of it here.

Isn't this fun?

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