

We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had to add the dog. We became ALASANDRA, THE CATS & A DOG. Now that we rescued Tuiren we had to add another S and make dog plural. ~Socks & Scylla (THE CATS)

ALERT: Tuiren is still missing, please cross you paws that she will come home today. 

- Dona Nobis Pacem ~ "what Do I Want My World To Look Like?"
We wants a world where all cats, dogs, bunnies and other pets have loving homes. We wants a world where no pet or human is abused and where everyone has enough to eats. We wants a world where humans take care of the environment. We has our paws crossed...

- Super Sweet Islay Thinks We Are Super Sweet Too!
Super Sweet rules: 1. Thank a blogger for nominating you. We are deeply honored that Islay from Charlie's Dog Blog thought of us. Thanks you so much Islay. 2. Include the award image on your blog. Aren't the cupcakes purrty. We would just love...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I am very worried about Socks, he had to go to a specialty vet in Louisianan, and they kept him over night. I sure hope he gets to come home today. I am thinking about him and crossing my paws for him, I hopes you will too. And healing purrs would...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Wow the floor is so clean I can see my reflection in it. Mommy you should mop more often. While I may not have much to say here, I am barking up a storm on Savannah's blog.  "Real Rescue Dogs Are Talking:Life Changing Interviews with Savannah"...

- Scylla Sunday
I am hanging out with my sister, us girls have to stick together even if she is a DOG. I scored the nice spacious rug and  Tuiren got the cramped pink bed. We were both happy though. Tuiren goes for her next Heartworm Treatment Monday, we are kinda...

