Alasandra's Book Recommendations

Alasandra's Book Recommendations

Instapundit offers these book recommendation for kids in the intermediate and middle school grades.

Alasandra adds these to the list.
  1. Harry Potter (series)
  2. Artemis Fowl (series), Eoin Colfer has also written other books that would be suitable for younger children.
  3. These books by Tolkien The Hobbit, Roverandom, Letters From Father Christmas and more advanced readers can tackle Lord of the Rings.

The final book in the Harry Potter series is suppose to come out in July. We are eagerly awaiting it's arrival at our local bookstore. The nice thing about the Potter and Fowl books is their appeal to a wide variety of ages. My teens still enjoy reading them, as do I. And what can I say Tolkien is the ultimate writer in my opinion, so anything he wrote is well worth reading.

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