Babies, Babies and more Babies!

Babies, Babies and more Babies!

All of our babies are finally born. You might remember that we had 5 fainting goat babies....previously pictured and videoed (ad nauseum!). In the past two weeks, our Dwarf Nigerian goats, Star and Ash, have also delivered. Each had 3 kids. Star had two buckling and a doeling and Ash had two doelings and one buckling. Each of Star's kids are blue-eyed and have a white star on their far they are named Spider and Stella.....and well, the last little guy needs a name!

Spider and my daughter Jenn (he is quite affectionate and loves giving little kisses.)

Stella (right) and her un-named brother.

Ash's kids are quite different looking...they are tri-color. Two are marked very similarly and the third is plain black with just a touch of white. Her name is Jane (for Plain comparison with her siblings!)

Pictures of Plain Jane tomorrow.......

- Motherhood
One of the strongest instincts, I believe, is that of a mother protecting her young.A perfect illustration of this is our newest mother, O'Malley. Our maternity ward currently houses our three does,Sissy, O'Malley, and O'Malley's daughter...

- Goat Tales....
Here is Myrtle, the amazing one-eyed goat. She is fully recovered from her eye removal surgery and getting along just fine. I am not sure if goats have the same depth perception that humans do as their eyes are more lateral on their face, but Myrtle...

- Our Kids Are Growing Up!
Sadly, we all know that babies don't stay babies forever. This is the most recent photo of one of our favorite kids, Forrest. Forrest has been featured quite a bit here due to the fact that he was the first born. Know, he is as tall as O'Malley...

- Ash Delivers!!!
Wednesday night at midnight, Ash delivered 3 babies also. Her litter included 2 doelings and 1 buckling. Becky tells me that two of them are an unusual color. Since I am currently in Florida I am unable to photograph these new kids. Upon my return on...

- New Additions
Bee Haven Acres is proud to present the newest members of our family! Meet Star and Ash. They are Dwarf Nigerian Goats and they are pregnant!! Dwarf Nigerian goats are a small goat breed that make excellent milk goats. They originate from.....Nigeria,...

