Chicken Movers

Chicken Movers

Yesterday was a big day for Rod Stewart and his hens.
This group of chickens has called the chicken house and yard by the barn home
for the past 4 years.
Yesterday was moving day.

We decided that in preparation for housing our new young hens
we would need a little more sheltered roosting room.

Rather than build a new henhouse,
we decided to turn the large turkey house into a henhouse.

Hubbs moved all of the nesting boxes and built new perches
inside the turkey house.
We covered the larger wire of the turkey yard with chicken wire.

Then last evening, at dusk, as the hens were going inside to roost for the night,
we caught them, one by one, and transported them
in the gator to their new larger house.

This house will accommodate Rod and his gals, along with
Elton and Number 6.

Another benefit of this house is its screen door...which allows for better ventilation
on hot summer nights.

After a week of being sequestered in their own enclosed
(and might I add lush and green) yard,

they will be allowed to roam free during the day with the rest of the hens.

The old turkey house (new hen house) is the shed on the right side of the picture...
the other two henhouses and their yard are on the left side of the picture.

Now, all of the hens will be located in houses close to the goats...
far away from flower beds and mulched gardens
(that chickens like to systematically destroy!)

When the youngsters are ready to move,
they will be split between the two present hen populations.

Our 6 (+) new roosters will most likely move into the barn,
or possibly the frat house.
Waldorf and Stetson might enjoy living in the barn instead.
I haven't quite decided how this is going to work out.

The turkeys will now live in the smaller henhouse by the barn.
This is probably the best place for them as they enjoy our company,
and we spend a great deal of time around the barn.

We had a bit of hot weather over the weekend.
This is how the pigs stay cool.
They have their choice of a swimming pool or a mud hole.

And Bobby...

Everyone gets a little lazy when the weather gets hot!!

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