

Last week's cool weather has left us and we are once again
in the midst of summer-like days.

Our weekend was full.
Amanda and Tim's friend, John, who attended Lutheran Seminary and who will be marrying them,
came to spend the weekend and discuss plans for the wedding ceremony.
John is an avid birder and introduced us to several species living on our farm
of which we were unaware.

As you can see, the dogs gave him their stamp of approval.

With all hands on deck Saturday we pitched the platform tent in the woods.
You may remember that our tent was leveled two winters ago in a snowstorm.

It is once again standing and ready for over night campers in a remote clearing in the woods.

Amazingly, we had forgotten how complicated pitching this tent can be,
and it ended up taking us 3 hours.

Thank goodness we had so much help!

Our weekend was full of wonderful fresh meals from the farm...
Fresh eggs... eggs Benedict over homegrown asparagus...
homemade butter....made into honey-butter with our homegrown honey...
fresh picked radishes and greens.
We fired up the brick pizza oven for the first of the season and made pizzas.

The new chickens, being teenagers now, had their curfew lifted and are now
allowed outside access.

It took a while and a few trial runs...out and right back in...

before they became comfortable enough to actually spend time in their yard.

And best of all, we opened the gate between the sheep and the pigs and allowed them to meet
in person.

Here's a video of how that went...

Gracie and the girls spent the rest of the day investigating the pig pen.

They began to work on the brush growing there.

And also took a little nap inside the pig house.

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