Construction Update

Construction Update

Another busy week of construction has flown by. The walls on the first and second floors are painted and all of the tongue and groove panelling is in place...and it looks great! It is finally starting to look like a home on the inside.

Here is the living room walls and ceiling.
The fireplace is ready for the stone work to begin. The walnut planks for the flooring have arrived and will sit inside the house for a week before being laid.

The exterior has its first coat of stain. I will post pictures when the protective plastic is removed from the windows. The cupola is built and ready to is a picture of the roof getting its green cover...also a picture of the weather vane...unassembled.

So much happening....this next week will be a busy one, too!

- Construction Update
The cupola has found its place on top of the garage roof. The walnut floors are stained and ready to finish. I love the warmth of walnut...and I love the mix of heartwood (brown) and sapwood (white). This picture was taken looking down on the powder room...

- More Finishing Touches
By the end of last week, we had several additions to our log home construction..... Two garage doors just like this...Sinks, faucets and ceramic tile on the master bathroom vanity....Stairs from the living room to the loft, with banister....Cabinets in...

- Construction Update
Our construction crew has been busy putting the finishing touches to the inside of our house. They are working hard to get us ready to move in...with an emphasis on the inside of the house for now. Once we can inhabit the inside, they will move outside...

- Construction Update
So much has been happening at the construction site, that I can hardly contain myself. The front porch roof is finally finished. A little bit of fascia needs to be added, and the roof is complete. Decking and railing will finish off that space.The drywall...

- Update
Here is the start of our front porch. Tongue and groove decking will be placed on top of all the beams....visible from beneath. On top of the tongue and groove will be roofing that will match the rest of the house. I just love the web design of the front...

