Daphne and Sam Come To An Understanding

Daphne and Sam Come To An Understanding

Yesterday afternoon the dogs and I spent some time cleaning the front pasture.

I love being out in the pasture when the equines are out as well.

The combination of dogs and equines usually adds up to some fun.
Yesterday was no exception.

I had just parked the gator under an old pine tree in the middle of the pasture,

when Daphne and Chloe walked up to see what I was doing.

Before I knew it, Daphne had chased Sam right up into the passenger seat of the gator.

Generally our donkeys get along fine with the dogs.
However, if one of the dogs is unsuspecting, the donkeys will give chase.
I swear I see them laughing as the dogs jump, startled, into the air and start running.

With Sam a captive audience in the passenger seat,
Daphne decided to give him a good sniffing.

Sniff, sniff, sniff....
nibble, nibble...

"Hey, why'd you do that?"  Sam seemed to say.

And then Sam began to do what he always does to us when he wants attention.
He began pawing at Daphne.

I have no idea what he wanted...
maybe more attention?

but the two of them seemed to come to some sort of understanding.

Chloe and Daphne finished checking out all sides of the gator

 and then sauntered off
satisfied that they had seen all there was to see and had done all there was to do.

We finished our chores, just as the sun began to set....

There's nothing like winter sunsets!

Have a wonderful weekend!!
We'll be back on Monday with more Tails.

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