


By Carl Sandburg
An open door says, “Come in.”
A shut door says, “Who are you?”
Shadows and ghosts go through shut doors.
If a door is shut and you want it shut,
     why open it?
If a door is open and you want it open,
     why shut it?
Doors forget but only doors know what it is
     doors forget.

Our door is always open to our friends, we hopes you will come inside and sit awhile with us. We likes to look out the door at the beautiful world we has to play in. ~Fenris & Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

- Simply Saturday With Arty
 I am waiting for the garage door to open so I can go out. Mommy it is daylight outside, open the door please. I has to go count birds, it is time for the Great Backyard Bird Count.  You can help me just go outside and count the different species...

- Scylla Sunday ~ Bad Sports
Mommy you has entered me in the wrong category. I is much cuter then that big galoot of a dawg you got for your birthday, I is not a BAD SPORT. Enter me in the Too Darn Cute category this instant! Well yes, I did claw the door frame and tear up the weather...

- Socks Was Tagged For A Meme
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew...

- The Price Of Winter
With the slightly warmer weather we've had this week,I've been able to open the henhouse doors wide. During the colder winter months,I try to conserve a little warmth in the houses and either clip the doors openat about 6 inches, or close them...

- Pests
Every afternoon for the past couple of weeks,as I enter the upper chicken houses to gather eggs,I am greeted by a flock of Grackles hastily exiting the chickenhouse as I open the door.Each time it happens, I am expecting it...but am startled none-the-less....

