Eat your words anonymous

Eat your words anonymous

Anonymous said...
Nice hatchet job interpreting Greg Ladens thoughts and ideas;-)Greg is about the promotion of science--and I am sure that when there "comes into bee-ing" a homeschooled kid who wins the 'science or chemistry bee' instead of a spelling bee, then we might have reason to celebrate the efforts of homeschoolers. Hey look, evil hateful Gregs blog enticed Someone from out here in the real world to stop by and read your blog;-)

I do hope Anonymous is prepared to EAT THEIR WORDS apparently when he/she stopped by to read my blog he/she failed to read about the Greater Sioux Falls Homeschool Association. The Greater Sioux Falls Homeschool Association took first place in the South Dakota Regional Science Bowl in Huron on Saturday, February 17th, 2007 earning a spot at the national event in Washington, D.C., this spring.

That's right homeschoolers took first place at a (gasp) Science Bowl, beating several public schools in the process.

According to Anonymous Greg is all about the promotion of science. I do wish he would go back to promoting science and stop harassing homeschoolers, in his latest post he wants to deny homeschoolers the opportunity to go to college.
What could work is for people who are concerned about the children in home schooling situations to work for making home schooling without oversight invalid as a means of obtaining a certified education. Colleges should not accept home schooling high school certificates or diplomas........

The above statement proves that Greg is all about CONTROL and cares nothing about children. IF he truly cared about children he would work to insure that ALL children public schooled, private schooled and homeschooled had the opportunity to receive a college education. Instead he wants to deny a college education to homeschooled children. His bigotry against homeschoolers is appalling.

Anonymous also seems a tad delusional as he/she implies that homeschoolers don't live in the 'real' world. I wonder where he/she thinks we live?

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