

Two weeks ago, our beloved Edith (female Bourbon Red turkey)
went missing.
And for a week we searched for her.
And during that week, you all sent your wishes and hopes that we find her safe.

One week ago, we found Edith...
sitting on a nest of eggs.
You rejoiced with me and commented about your worries for her continued safety.
I, too, worried for Edith's safety.
But each morning I would see her sitting on her nest and I would 
silently rejoice that she had made it through the night undetected by predators.

Sadly, yesterday Edith was gone.
This time for good.
A pile of feathers told of a struggle...
her 3 eggs cracked.
Finding this scene, I dropped to my knees and sobbed.

Edith had succumbed to a predator.

My heart is so very heavy.
And filled with guilt.
I could have stopped her from nesting.
I could have taken the eggs.
I could have moved the eggs.
I could have built a fence.
I could have sat by her side for the entire 28 days.

So many things I could have done.

It just seems that we interfere so much with Mother Nature,
and this time I thought I would let Edith do the natural thing.
I thought for sure she would be safe.
After all, she chose a good spot...
close to the goats,
close to the tractor garage,
just close enough to all of our activity,
but far enough for us not to intrude.

But her spot just wasn't good enough.
And now all that is left is this sad, empty spot in the woods with three cracked eggs,
a hole in my heart, 
and a whole lot of "should haves" in my head.

I am sorry to share this sadness with you,
but I know you care.

Tom and Chuck have no idea what happened to Edith.
But they feel the loss.
I know they do.

- Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton was born Edith Newbold Jones to George and Lucretia Jones in New York City on January 24, 1862. Websites The Mount Estate & Gardens Edith Wharton's World Women Writers The Edith Wharton Society ...

- Who's Who.... Part 4
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- A Day Of Tales
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- The Best News!
Extra!  Extra!   Read all about it...... Edith has been found.No fox hunting sadness here!!Edith was dutifully sitting on a nest of eggs at the edge of the woods. And I am doing the happy turkey dance! Let me tell you, I couldn't be more...

- Gardening With Turkeys
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