Farm Excitement

Farm Excitement

Yesterday was quite an exciting day...
the kind of day that might end up putting Bee Haven Acres on the map!

Before I tell you all about it,
let's back up; and for the sake of those of you who are new, make a few introductions.

Meet Tyler....
my number one man for the past two years,
my favorite (and only) grandchild.

Tyler's Mommy, Jenn....

Tyler's Aunt Amanda...

Tyler and his Mommy (and his Grammie, too) were the subjects of a professional
photo shoot at the farm yesterday....

Aunt Amanda works for a non-profit nutrition education organization who is 
launching an ad campaign about the importance of family meals...
incorporating fresh seasonal local produce when available.
Tyler and his Mommy were portraying a single Mom and child.
Several locations around the farm were used...the above was in our little guest cottage.

We also took a few three generation photos outdoors at a picnic table near the barn.
A photo shoot with a two year old is not the easiest accomplishment,
but I am happy to say that Tyler was a trooper and a whole lot of great pictures
were the end result of the day!

In the next year or so his cute little face may be showing up on billboards
across Pennsylvania!

When the photo shoot was finished, I took a little time to unwind in the pigpen.

This is one of my favorite places to relax.
I sit on the grass and call to Ginger and MaryAnn...
and MaryAnn is always the first to come running.

As she approaches me, she grunts a special little grunt that I only ever hear 
when she is coming to see me.
I think she is telling me how happy she is that I am here!

She settles down in the grass beside me and I rub her ears and her neck.

She is seriously the sweetest animal, ever.

Don't you just want to kiss that sweet little nose???
(I fight the urge!)

I have always loved pigs, but not until these two came to live on the farm,
did I have any clue what special creatures they are!

And photogenic, too!!


Do you remember the little nest I found in the blueberry patch?
The one with three little blue speckled eggs?

Well, I put bright orange tape all around the bush to keep intruders away...
and look what I found today when I checked the nest...

two tiny, featherless hatchlings...
resting from the hard work of being born.

We also had a nest in our garage, beneath a helmet.

Three juvenile house wrens left the nest this week
and tried out their wings for the first time.

I am always in awe of the cycle of life...
and so very lucky to constantly witness it in this oh, so special place...
this farm filled with love and positive energy!

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