Farm Visitors

Farm Visitors

We had another exciting day at Bee Haven Acres this weekend. On top of fabulous Fall weather, we were treated to a visit from our friends Ann and Tim and their horse Roeluf. Roeluf is a magnificent Friesian. Roeluf is about 10 years old....and enormous. This picture of Jack walking with him is misleading. Jack is uphill from Roeluf, thus making him look more like a pony. That's Ann behind Jack.We had a picnic and then hooked the horse up to his carriage and rode through our woods on our horse trails...what a treat!
Here is Roeluf enjoying a much-deserved shower. Fagner and Duffy are quite interested in this handsome fellow!

- In The Morning
Yesterday morning, as the rising sun turned the eastern sky to crackling embers, I was finishing up morning chores... and had the pleasure of watching Sid and his pony race around the upper pasturewaiting for Becky to bring him home to the barn for...

- Ava's Excellent Adventure
Ava, Fagner, Duffy This morning was like most. The sun was nearly up. The mist hung above the trees. A neighboring rooster was crowing and the local birds were beginning their morning choir practice. I was feeding Moonbeam and the pony (who stay in the...

- Family Portrait
Becky's new horse, Ava, has adjusted well to life on the farm. Of course, all of "the boys" are ga-ga over her! Becky asked me to get a family portrait of her 3 horses. After snapping about 35 pictures, we finally had one where everybody is looking...

- With A Little Help From Our Friends
This past weekend, one of our "kids" (actually now an adult), Amanda, came from college with 6 of her friends to lend a hand on the farm. All of these amazing young adults are students at a local Christian College, Messiah College. They arrived at our...

- Farm History
Let me begin with a little background information. Our farm was originally bought by my husband Jack and his close friends Mel and Liz. The original property,called Bethlehem Downs by its previous owner, was 37 acres of farmland and woodland that included...

