Feeding the Birds

Feeding the Birds

This has been a fairly rough winter for our wild feathered friends. Amazingly, they empty two thistle feeders, two hanging black oil sunflower feeders and a platform feeder daily. We also try to keep an ample supply of suet hanging in several locations. Constructions does not discourage these birds...as they flock to the feeders despite the hammering and sawing.

- The Price Of Winter
With the slightly warmer weather we've had this week,I've been able to open the henhouse doors wide. During the colder winter months,I try to conserve a little warmth in the houses and either clip the doors openat about 6 inches, or close them...

- Where Do They Go?
May 1st is a much anticipated day here on the farm.Typically it is right around this date that the hummingbirds arrivefrom their arduous journey north from the Caribbean, where they spend the winter. These tiny birds get right to work building nests...

- Squirrel Proof
I must admit, I have to laugh whenever I see a bird feeder that is advertised as squirrel-proof.  I have come to the conclusion that that particular item just does not exist.  We tried putting one of those large metal cone shaped squirrel proofers...

- A Treat For The Birds
Look at how attentive Sadie and Maddie are as Jack spreads peanut butter over his home-made bird feeder. He took a pine log, bore holes into it, screwed an eye-hook in the top and filled each hole with peanut butter. This creation will hang in the midst...

- Feathered Friends
We have become quite fond of bird watching at Bee Haven Acres. We keep our bird feeders full and provide nesting boxes for the bluebirds. Quite often we will stand inside the front windows with the spotting scope or telephoto camera lense focused on...

