Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

It is very hot here. I stay inside under the AC most of the day. I come out in the evenings to go walking with Mom and to help her water the plants. I lays in the shade while she waters stuff.

She says she would like to trade places with me. Is she nuts I am not dragging the hose around in the hot sun to water the plants. I will stick with my snoopervising role thank you very much.

I check out the wildflower seeds Daddy planted when we go for our evening walk. Very few of the seeds are coming up. I thinks it is because we are in a drought here. We are purring & wooing for rain.

(Sigh) Somebody needs to teach Mommy how to take pictures. These flowers are very pretty and dainty but since the picture is out of focus it is hard for you to tell.
Since Daddy has to work, Mommy and I will be meeting her friend for our beach walk this weekend.

Scylla tagged me, so I am going to answer her questions.

Do you think you’re hot?
Well I have been told I am the Paul Newman of doggies and I was named after Frank Sinatra at the Animal Shelter so I guess some people and pups think I am hot.

I use the same wallpaper as Scylla.

When was the last time you ate chicken meat?
Yesterday, Mommy lets me have a taste when she cooks it. I especially likes it when she gives me raw chicken meat that is frozen.

The song(s) you’ve listened to most recently?
In Lonesome Dove by Garth Brooks

What were you thinking when you were doing this?
That I likes sitting by Mommy

Do you have any nicknames?
Sure doesn't everybody. My nicknames are Fen, Fenny Marriny, Good Boy, Bad Dog and Handsome.

Tag 8 blogger friends (tag you’re it)!
1. Artemisia
2. Ciara of The OP Pack
3. Asta
4. Mango
5. Frankie Furter
6. Tommy from The Poupounette Gang
7. Mayzie
8. Eva

Who is listed as number 1? My sister Artemisia, she is my best friend. She actually plays with me.

Say something about number 5.
He is the mayor of Blogville

How did you get to know number 3? She came to visit our blog and left a comment.

How about number 4? I entered Mango Minster.

Leave a message for number 6.

Hi Tommy wanna play ball with me.

Leave a lovey dovey message for number 2

Ciara, I has a crush on you.

Do number 7 and number 8 have any similarities? they are both beautiful girl doggies.


- Fenris Friday
I thoughts we could walk around the property and looks at all the flowers. This is Foxglove. This is a Zinnia, they came up from seeds and are easy to grow. Some sort of Lily. Daddy's Wildflower bed, this is where the BARN used to be. A Chinese Hibiscus....

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