Fenris Friday with Artemisia

Fenris Friday with Artemisia

 I am playing with my cat.

Artemisia is a good friend and we has lots of fun together.

We would like you to say some purrs for our friends.
Tucker has been diagnosed with lung cancer, we know Tucker and his family would appreciate your support at this sad time.  Tucker blogs at Da Weenies of Florida.

Pips cat Sweet Pea has squamous cell carcinoma in his mouth which has spread to his bone. We know purrs and crossed paws would be appreciated.

~Thanks, Artemisia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla

- Artemisia Is Home
I am home and resting comfortably in Fenris' bed. I has to take an antibiotic for a week. Everyone thank you ever so much for your purrs, crossed paws and well wishes. They all helped me feel better and I appreciate them bunches. ~Artemisia ...

- Bora Bora Day
Gracie was having so much fun in Bora Bora we all just had to join her. Fenris went for a nice long hike on one of the islands. He got all hot and sweaty so he stuck his paws in the water to cool off. Us cats just wanted to take things easy. MoMo (she...

- Sibling Saturday
 Mommy still hasn't gotten all four of us in the same picture. Here she has a picture of Scylla & Fenris.  And now she has one of Artemisia playing with Fenris. They hang out together a lot.  Poor Fenris, Mouse beats up on him all...

- Scylla Sunday
Mommy had the throw folded up into a nice bed for me. Since I was sleeping on it, she went got the other throw (which looks much better on your bed Mommy) out of the living room to put on her bed. I of course promptly jumped up on it. See the red looks...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

