Friday Smiles

Friday Smiles

Yesterday's sunny skies gave me a chance to visit with all of the animals.

Maddie and I set out in the gator at afternoon feed time.
Usually Maddie rides shotgun,
yesterday she was just too tired.

And although it is a bit harder to drive the gator with 150 pounds of dog
in front of the gas pedal and brake,
we made do.

We stopped to visit Ginger

and MaryAnn.

The girls were quite pleased to have visitors.
They have been spending a great deal of time inside their house,
with the past two weeks of inclement weather (mostly).

And as usual, it is always a group activity....
pigs, dogs, cats...
anyone that happens to be in the vicinity.

Ginger and MaryAnn are always compelled to give Maddie the "once over"
with their noses....which makes Maddie a little nervous,
but she holds perfectly still.

The donkey gals are completely back to normal,
since their relatively "sedate" afternoon two days ago.
As with all the critters, feeding time is their favorite,
and they busily munch away on their afternoon treat of hay.
Don't you just love how their forehead fur has started to look like bangs?

Speaking of loving feeding time,
I was met at the feed bin by Fred.
Mating season is over, so once again feeding time is his favorite as well!

Got Ritz???

Skinny little Moll Flanders made it through her surgery with no problems.
Compared to the kind of life she has lived up to this point,
surgery was a mere speed bump in the road for her!
It's back to 2 square meals and a toasty warm bed for her.

We worried that Moll had come to us "knocked up"....
but her surgery showed that her little round belly
was nothing more than a few meals saved up in her intestines.
I think that litter box will come in handy really soon, Moll!

We will be having farm guests for the weekend...
and our weather is to warm up a bit,
so, I am sure we will have lots of tales to share with you on Monday!

Have a great weekend!!

I've linked up with Farm Friend Friday....
Join us...

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