Friday Smiles

Friday Smiles

For today's post I have a few pictures to share with you...
things that make me smile!

Like... the piggies... they always make me smile.
Yesterday I was doing a little maintenance in the goat pens 
and I glanced into the pen where the pigs were grazing, only to see this...

MaryAnn, sound asleep in her pool!
What a place to take a nap.

Ever since Edith's demise,
Tom and Chuck have spent their days following me all over the farm.
This is the scene I see wherever I go...

Just after I snapped these pictures, these two took off running after my gator.

When I am in the garden weeding, they follow me in and stand on my feet.
I think they need a woman (of the turkey variety, however!)
Please send any lonely turkey ladies you might happen to know our way!

Yesterday was grooming day for the Littles.
I trimmed their hooves and clipped them.
For some reason, mini horses hold onto their winter coats forever.
I can't stand to see them hot and uncomfortable,
so Spring haircuts are necessary.

Now that the fur is gone, I am amazed at how svelte these two are.
These two have a tendency to be a little chubby; but right now they look better than ever, I think.
Aren't they handsome?

On the subject of haircuts....
the donkey gals are desperately in need of clipping.
Their long, wooly winter coat is like a shag rug that picks up every bit of dirt and lint.

And donkeys love to roll in the dust,
so they always look a mess!

I have been trying to shave their winter coats off,
but as I have intimated before,
when donkey's don't want to do something....
well, they just don't do it!

I got this much of Daphne clipped and then she decided that was enough of that!

I believe it will "take a village" to finish this job.
And then there's Chloe.

Maybe by Monday I will have two "coiffed" donkey gals to show you.
And maybe not!

PS.... the tall pink flower in yesterday's post is a Chantilly snapdragon.

Have a wonderful weekend!
We'll be back on Monday with more Tails from the Farm!

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