Friendly Goats....

Friendly Goats....

Everyone at the farm was happy to get a visit from Grandpap this week.....especially our Dwarf Nigerian Goats. If you look closely at Grandpap's lower hand, you might notice that he has a bit of blood between his fingers. That was courtesy of Donnie Brasco, our woolly pony, who mistook his finger for a treat. (He quickly spit it out, though....after all, fingers taste nothing like peppermints!) A mere flesh wound....Grandpap quickly recovered!
Sissy (fainting of Myrtle's twins from this Spring) was so overcome, she dropped to the ground in a "faint".
In a few seconds, however, she was back on her feet and headed across the goat yard to find safe haven by the far away from that crazy pony as possible!

"Whew! I hate the sight of blood!"

- Inquiring Minds....goat-a Know
On with the questions and answers... Lilly asked:  "We are considering getting goats. What do they need in the way of shelter/protection from predators? Any particular breeds you would recommend? We just want them for pets although the topic of goat's...

- Registration Time
Our babies are all grown up now. They are weaned and living without their parents. It all happens so quickly. Now that they are teenagers, it is time to register them. We register our goats with theInternational Fainting Goat Registryand the Myotonic...

- Our Babies Keep Growing!
Isn't that always the case? No matter how hard we try to freeze our children at certain ages and keep them small, they always grow up...well before we are ready for it! And so it is the same with farm babies. When they are small, they are warm and...

- Goat Pregnancies.....exciting News!!!
If you all will remember, I had told you the story of our little fainting goat buck's first attempt at a nutshell, he attempted to mount and dropped over in a faint. Well, the good news is......HE DID IT!!! Three of our females,...

- The Ups And Downs Of Goats
I have wonderful video footage of these girls playing on their see-saw....up and down and playfully ramming each other, however my video was shot with too high a resolution and I cannot upload it. (Note to self: reset camera and get some IT help to see...

