From Why Homeschool

From Why Homeschool

Why Homeschool has an excellent post on U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf's ruling. Henry makes an valid point here.

The really important issue here is what are the rights of minorities and the rights of parents. In the past public schools have stayed away from teaching doctrine or pushing agendas. But now based on the ruling of Judge Wolf if the majority wants to teach that all Jews will go to hell, the minority can send their children to private schools, or homeschool, or try to elect a majority of people to the school committee. If the majority wants to teach that communism is good, the minority has little recourse. If the majority wants to teach creationism, the minority has no say what their children are taught.

Henry also has a post(with directions) reminding you to submit your own post to the Carnival of Homeschooling. Natalie at The Homeschool Cafe will be hosting this weeks carnival.

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