Frost on the .......

Frost on the .......

...Strawberries. Unbelievably, our ever-bearing strawberry plants are still producing. I am sure that this will soon come to an end as we have had 4 frost for the last 4 mornings. Old Man Winter is tapping us on the shoulder. Very soon, we will tuck our berry plants under a blanket of straw for the long winter months ahead. But, before that.....just one more taste. Mmmmm, just as good as they were in June!

8:00 AM....and still a little frost on the leaves.

- Thursday In The Garden
One of the seed pods on the Devil's Trumpet finally burst open so we could gather the seeds, there are still 4 that we are waiting on. they are an attractive purple color. We had a heavy frost that killed most of our flowers, this makes us very sad...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

- Weeding The Strawberry Patch.....with Help
It is time to get the strawberries ready to tuck in for the Winter. By the time the temperatures dip into the 20's I will need to have the strawberry patch weeded and all of the plants covered with a blanket of straw. Seeing my presence in the

- Cold Winter Winds
It's Autumn in central PA and we are loving the weather. The daytime temps range in the 60's to 70's and the night-time lows are in the 40's to 50's. This is perfect weather for accomplishing all of the outdoor chores that must be...

- Goodbye Garden
How amazing is it that one day you have 20 or so pepper plants loaded with all different varieties and the next day they are gone? Chalk that one up to a killing frost. The past couple of nights have brought Bee Haven Acres temperatures in the very low...

