Frosty Morning

Frosty Morning

I awoke to a clear, frosty morning today....perhaps the coldest yet this year.
As I was doing the morning chores, the only sound was the distant "who-who-whowho-who-who-whowho" of a great horned owl. The snow remains on the ground, continuing to make my world a magical winter wonderland. I love this time of year, when the world is held in frosty slumber. Each day unfolds as it does throughout the rest of the year, but in a quieter way. The animals all involve themselves in munching to maintain their the loudest sound is that of chewing.
For those of you who wonder how Rod is doing.....he has adapted to his new lifestyle quite well. Ordinarily he spends his days outside the barn, but on these cold, cold mornings, is hesitant to leave his warm dry stall. (I have received several comments asking what type of bird Rod is. He is a white Polish Crested chicken.)
Frequents visitors keep him occupied throughout the day.
One of whom keeps stealing his warm spot. TomTom loves Rod's heat lamp. I am waiting for the day when I find them both snuggled up under the lamp together.

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