

Seeds for this summer's garden have started to arrive.

This year I am trying some new vegetables.

Red Dragon Carrots...

Red Emperor Beans....

and Romanesco Cauliflower....

 These are just a few of the varieties of veggies that will be added
to this year's garden boxes.

In addition, I will continue our traditional planting of
peppers, sweet and hot
tomatoes, heirloom
green beans
sugar snap peas
onions, several types
lettuces and spinach
egg plant

Do you plant anything else?
Do you have any suggestions for things I might try?
Let me know while there is still time to order!

I also ordered 10,000 earthworms to add to my garden boxes.
When the weather is a bit warmer, I will dig compost into them and
sprinkle the earthworm eggs on top...
a perfect recipe for ultra healthy soil!

- Gardening At Bha
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- Purselane, Anyone?
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- The Early Bird
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- Looking Ahead
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