Getting Along Famously!

Getting Along Famously!

The "littles" , as I call them, are getting along with each other quite well. Actually, they love, love, love each other! They are spending a good part of the day in the pasture beside the "bigs". Sadly, the "bigs" are both on a weightloss program...they are both dangerously fat from all of the lush green grass that we have this summer. Most years, by August, the grass is dry and dormant. However, with the huge rainfalls that we have had this summer, it is more like a tropical jungle around here. Did I mention that the mowing is impossible to keep up with? Thanks to our friend Sam for helping us keep up with that! Sorry for the digression..... back to Ollie and Little Red. I had been splitting them up to feed them their grain, but, Little Red got so upset yesterday afternoon during dinner, that I have now started feeding them together....right in the pasture...with separate feeders that hook onto the bottom fence board. Ollie eats a larger amount of food and takes a bit longer to finish. Happily, Red remembered his manners and did not try to push Ollie away from his food. It is safe to say that these two boys are now inseparable....friends for life!

Each has his own tiny fly mask now so grazing is much more pleasant. Ollie has found that you can rest and still graze at the same time!

Nap time. It is hard work being a youngster...and napping helps you grow big and strong!

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