Grammie And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Grammie And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I have been accused of exuding a little too much positivity from time to time.
Today I will completely undo that.
You see, every once in a while a day comes along that tries my soul.
Not just a when the dogs get sprayed by a skunk...but a little more than that.
A lot more!

Sadly, I lack the photos that accompany this story...
as usually happens when crazy, spur-of-the-moment disastrous things occur.
So, I will just add a few photos here and there that correspond with the subjects of the story.

It all began yesterday afternoon.
I had arrived home after working a few hours in Hubbs' office.
Ashley and Mackenzie had stayed at the farm and held down the fort in my absence.
Actually, Mackenzie slept.

I was later than usual for doing the afternoon chores, so I headed out to the barn...
fed the cats...and began to clean up the manure.
As is the usual case, the horses were all out in the dry lot with me as I scooped poop.
Until they weren't.

And at that point they were running wildly past the dry lot fence, and past the garden,
and then through the farmyard...heading toward's Becky's barn.
I must add that Moonbeam was the obvious ring-leader, 
as he is the only one of the herd who can open stall doors.

Me:  "&&^$#*&#$@$"...(every curse word known to man.)

I grabbed halters and a bucket of feed and hopped in the gator...
stopping by the house to let Ashley know that I would be gone longer than expected.

I drove the gator as fast as I could up to Becky's to find my herd loitering outside her barn.
Luckily they ran into her pasture and I could close the gate behind them, trapping them inside. could be worse, right?
At least they were all contained.
So, now began the process of leading them back down to my barn...
first Donnie.
Then back up to Becky's barn to get Moonbeam...who was less than cooperative.
"%^&#^$%&^#" - more expletives...forgive me.

Finally I headed back to Becky's barn to gather up the littles.
On the way, our Sammie decided that chasing one of Becky's barn kitties up a tree would be fun.
"&^#&%$#" - more expletives,"bad dog!"

Just as I got the two Littles haltered and ready to walk back,
I heard blood-curdling screams coming from the direction of our barn.
Ice cold panic flowed through my veins.
Was that Ashley?
Was the baby ok?
The screaming continued.
More panic as I hurried back towards the barn, the Littles in tow.

The screaming stopped.
Fearfully, I kept fast-walking toward the barn.
With the barn in sight, I spied Ashley with Mackenzie in the baby carrier..strapped to her front.
She was inside the garden fence, door locked....
with two gobbling turkeys menacingly patrolling the perimeter of the fence.

"I was taking a walk and saw the turkeys.  They looked at me and started running towards me.
Before I knew it, they were attacking me," she said.  

She had wrapped herself around the baby and kept her back towards the turkeys,
making her way to the garden.

By the end of the day, we retold the story with paroxysms of laughter.
It's funny now...this string of weird farm events....however, it wasn't at the time.
All's well that ends well.
The day is over...thank goodness....
and not to be repeated...ever!

The good news of the week...
the pigs LOVE watermelon!

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