Guineas on the Fence

Guineas on the Fence

Is your world a little quiet?
Do you long for a little excitement?
Consider adding a few guineas to your world!

This is a quiet as they get...

I swear, guineas talk all the time.
If only I understand their little bird-brained language.
This noise is nothing, though....
you should hear it when somebody new sets foot on the farm.
What a ruckus they cause!

Seriously, though, if you are on the fence about adding a few guineas to your property...
here are a few facts you might like to know.

First, it is nearly impossible to train your guineas to stay in their own yard...
they love to wander.
They especially enjoy visiting neighboring homes, sitting on their porch furniture,
and peeking in their front windows.
It's true.  Guineas are voyeurs!

Unlike chickens, however guineas don't seem to find particular satisfaction
 in tearing up your flower beds!
Guineas make good organic gardeners....they love to eat insects.
They will, on occasion, lay a large clutch of eggs in the middle of your most beautiful flowers...
and then promptly forget where they laid them.

Guineas will provide you with hours and hours of comedic relief, 
as you watch them patrolling your yard in straight-line formation...
searching for pests like ticks and stink bugs.
And for this reason, we will always have guineas!

I am happy to report that we entered winter with 10 guineas...
and came out the other side with those same 10 guineas.
Although not particularly bright birds, they did manage to figure out that
the henhouses were heated.
Needless to say, the hens will be quite relieved when they move out permanently.
It's a little hard to sleep when your housemates chitter-chatter all night long!

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