Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

We finished our summer vacationing this past weekend
at the Chesapeake Bay with friends and family.
Kayaking, bicycling, and water skiing activities helped us to say goodbye
to our old friend summer.
Hubbs tried his hand at water skiing, after almost 30 years since his last time.
He got up on the first try!

I, on the other hand, decided that after the kind of week I had had last week;
perhaps I ought not tempt fate.
So, I stayed in the safety of the boat (this time).

Our neighbors, Jim and Kathy, took care of the animals,
and our friend Kelley took care of the dogs.

I don't think they missed us much....

enjoying fun activities like walks
(even old Hickory!)

They were excited to see us on our arrival home and we took some time
to play their favorite games.

(Oakley would play catch until he dropped from exhaustion!)

And catch....
(Maddie loves ball games; but this old gal is too arthritic for chasing balls,
so we play catch instead.)

Focussed anticipation.....

she never misses a ball.

Our summer fun is winding down.
For the most part, now, we will be home on the farm
enjoying the transition into autumn.

I mentioned last week that we were just about to bring in the hay....
well, 100 bales made it into the barn....
and the rest of the hay lies in the field....wet with rain.
I told you....there is no bargaining or pleading with Mother Nature.
Hopefully, this week we can get the rest of the hay dry and stowed for winter.
Please.........Mother dear!!

PS....today is Hubbs and my wedding anniversary.
Happy Anniversary to my very best friend... the center of my world!!

Dearest Hubbs,
It was an incredible summer, wasn't it?
We made memories that will last the rest of our lives.
But even if we never went away from the farm...
I would still be the happiest gal alive... just sharing life with you!

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