Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

I've come to the conclusion that I re-arrange chickens 
like some women re-arrange their furniture.

The most recent relocation project was to separate the hens from the roos
in that new batch of chicks that I started in the beginning of April.

The roos have remained in the brooder coop next to the coop where
Statler and Waldorf live.

Unfortunately, though, because of the presence of S & W,
the new roos refuse to leave their coop.

Their doors remain open all day...
but the poor fellows are too intimidated to venture outside.

Hopefully with time they will relax.

Meanwhile, the young hens have moved in with all of our other layers.

The light Brahmas have joined Rod, Elton, Number 6 and the girls,

while the rest of the sorority have moved in with Roy Boy and his hens.

All of the re-arranging went peacefully, without incident.
And I am quite happy with the final arrangement. 
By the end of this week, all of the new hens will have bonded to their new homes,
and will all be allowed to free range during the day.

I have spent the last several days getting ready for July 4th.
We will be having a family picnic in the pavilion...

I couldn't help but chuckle yesterday as I drove past the pig pen.
There, on the fence were the guineas...
just watching the pigs.

Overheard, as I passed by...
"Just look at them!  They eat like pigs!"

Poor Sammy has had his wings clipped.
Instead of running through the woods as he normally does,
he now rides to the barn on the gator.

I am not sure how he did this,
but he has a rather large laceration on his front paw.

He is taking antibiotics and feeling very sorry for himself!

I will be taking Thursday the 4th off from blogging, 
but will be back on Friday with pictures of the festivities.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

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