Happy Labor Day, Friends!

Happy Labor Day, Friends!

Just popping in quickly, to wish you the happiest of Labor Days!
Whatever you are doing...hopefully it is a day of rest from your labors.
Can you believe it?  It is September 1st!
My how time does fly.

We have enjoyed a quiet weekend here on the farm.
And although the weather has been dreary, we have been treated
to a few lovely sunrises and sunsets.

We spent a bit of time on Friday afternoon picking apples.
During the next week I will be making apple sauce and another pie.
The horses and pigs are enjoying daily apple snacks.

They come running when they hear the gator...

in anticipation of a treat.

We took delivery of a wagon full of hay on Saturday.
With none of our own to feed the animals this winter,
we are having to buy what we need, instead.

We have had a weekend free from skunk and porcupine attacks...

I am more than pleased to report!

And today, we are heading to town to the "newlyweds'" home for a Labor Day
cook out.
I am bringing orzo salad and these two cakes (which now have frosting)...

lemon blueberry poundcake with lemon glaze,
and chocolate chip poundcake with buttercream frosting.
Ooooooh.....I can hardly wait to have a piece of each!

I finished a couple more aprons and made a few new styles of bracelets.
I can share them with you later this week if you are interested.
I think it may be time to re-open my farm market at the top of this page,
to showcase my projects.
(I just need the time to set it up.)

I hope your Labor Day is wonderful!
Tell me all about your plans...

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