Have You Ever Heard of a Blubbering Goat?

Have You Ever Heard of a Blubbering Goat?

Make sure you turn up your volume for this video!

Blubbering is one of the characteristic mating behaviors of bucks. In this video Chip is blubbering at one of our Dwarf Nigerian goats because she is in heat. He spends a good deal of his day walking back and forth along the fence doing just this....blubbering. Poor, frustrated Chip! Following him around is Forrest. Forrest is Chip's son by Jill and sometimes the recipient of Chip's frustration.

- Chip Is Up To His Old Tricks!
It was afternoon in the goat yard.The sun rose a little higher than it had the day before...a sure sign that winter is heading towards spring. "What's up, Sissy?"... I could tell she wanted to tell me a story. "You say Chip is up to his old tricks?"...I...

- Mating Owls And Blubbering Goats
This time of year, when I head out to do morning chores,this is what I hear in our woods....             Owls are definitely my favorite bird...and Great Horned Owls are amazing creatures.With a five foot wingspan and perfect...

- Boys Gone Wild!
It's the first day of Autumn!And with Autumn come "Rut" or mating season for the goats.It's during this time that the bucks become unbearably stinky.They spend their days in testosterone induced fits of aggression (towards each other),snorting...

- Smoochie's Fascination
For the past several days, when I am out for the morning feed, I have noticed that Smoochie (one of our fainting goat bucks) has been blubbering at the fence beside the chicken yard. "Blubbering" is a mating ritual for male goats. When they are desirous...

- The Dating Game
It is mating season here on the farm. The other morning, Becky and I did a bit of rearranging and paired up bucks and does for mating. None of the does wanted to leave their pen, so we had to move everyone together and then remove the ones who were not...

