Haven (Photo Hunt and VBP)

Haven (Photo Hunt and VBP)

HAVEN (VBP) - That was a big word for a little doggie like me, after all I am only ONE. So I looked it up in the dictionary. This is what it said..........
  1. A place of safety or refuge.
I have found a HAVEN (VBP) here with my new family. I am safe here and can get the Heartworm Treatment I need. I had my first treatment January 14th and I did great. I go back in 3 months for additional treatments. I am not out of the woods yet so please purr and cross paws for me. And please if you have cats or dogs give them heartworm preventatives so they do not have to go through this. ~Annie Tuiren.

PeeS: Eric and Flynn are having a Cute Cat Contest and believe us there are plenty of CUTE Cats to make you drool. Scylla even entered doing her meerkat impression. We are very proud of her for losing enough weight so she could stand on her hind legs again. She used to do this all the time when she was younger. There are 2 days left to vote.

- Tuiren Tuesday
 Fenris and I are hanging out in the backyard enjoying the sunshine and discussing life. We are very sads, a doggie friend of ours Belle has heartworms. Her purrson is going to have her PTS instead of getting treatment for her. This is so heartbreaking...

- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment. Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home...

- Scylla Sunday
 What do you mean I DON'T BELONG ON THE TABLE???????? There are TWO DOGGIES on the floor!!!!!!! I can't possibly get down. Well if you insist. ~Hisses, Scylla Purrs: Eric and Flynn are having a Cute Cat Contest and Mommy talked me into entering....

- Fenris Friday ~ The Time To Go Edition
Mommy I really think it is past time for you to pack Saint Nick away and get out our Spring stuffs. As you can see Mommy has lots of Father Christmases, Saint Nicks and Santa Paws (whatever you wanna call him, Mommy has him). There are Santas that make...

- Thursday In The Garden With Fenris
 The Goldflame Honeysuckle is blooming.  The forsythia is blooming way earlier then usual. It's yellow blooms are so cheerful, they always make us smile.  Mommy took advantage of the sun and 70 degree weather to weed the beds at the...

