Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, It's Off To Work I Go....

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, It's Off To Work I Go....

Yesterday was one of those days....
those non-stop work days that seem to go on and on and on.

It all started at dawn when I headed out to feed the animals, clean and refill water tubs,
and scoop poop.  Those items took about and hour and a half.

Next on the list was watering.
We have been having a little dry spell here, so daily watering of gardens, pumpkin patch and a  boatload of containers is a necessity.  That takes about 2 hours.
(It's a good thing I start bright and early!)

The rest of the day was filled with...
 *chain saw work...removing dead limbs from the trees in our yard
*trimming suckers (low lying shoots that suck the life-force) from young trees

*mowing our front yard, the horse pasture, the bee yard
*weeding the garden
*installing a new garden umbrella...had to saw about a foot off the end
*and painting the table and chairs

*hanging 4 sets of fairy lights

*cleaning the horse pasture (manure)
*picking veggies for our supper

While I was passing through the orchard, I stopped to inspect the trees.

I just might have enough cherries this year to make a pie!

And blueberries.... 100 bushes just loaded....bazillions!

As I travel around the farm tending to chores
I keep an eye on what the animals are up to.
I love watching them do what comes natural...
eating, sleeping, cooling off, etc.

Gracie and the girls are spending a large portion of each day in the pig pen
working on the undergrowth.

The pigs spend their time mowing the grass in the orchard.

Everyone takes time for a nap in the shade.

It's a good way to cool down.

What I don't understand, however, is why three sheep crowd into one little house...
it has to feel like a sauna in there.
And yet, there they stay with their wool coats on...

Ok, I just have to say this....
I don't think there is anything cuter than this little girl...
especially when she smiles!

Hope warms my heart every time I look at her!

And although Faith is just as cute, her features are not as well defined 
because she is entirely black... eyes, coat....everything.

Well another Friday has arrived.
We are just 3 weeks away from the wedding day.
The countdown begins.
I can hardly wait to share photos of the day with you!

Make sure you stop back tomorrow as I will be posting another in our
"Walk on the Wild Side" series.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!

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