Here a Flake, There a Flake, Everywhere a Snowflake!

Here a Flake, There a Flake, Everywhere a Snowflake!

Winter has arrived...
a little early.

It's been bitter cold...
cold enough to freeze the edge of the pond and the autumn leaves that floated there.

Yesterday morning, as I headed to the barn for chores,
the scene was this:

Out in the pasture the horses "grazed" on flakes of hay that I scattered around.
Grass is scarce these days.

A light snow continued through the morning.

By afternoon, most of the ground was covered with snow.

Ginger and MaryAnn spend most of their days indoors,

warm and snug under their heat lamp.

Most visiting with them is done in the comfort of their stall...
as jealous dogs look on...

On occasion the pigs venture out of doors for a potty break and a visit.

It seems that one of the cats is always hanging out with the pigs.
(Usually Moll)

However, as soon as she sees me she heads over to the fence to say hello.

Cats, like the donkeys, are very curious and hard to photograph.

Isn't Leo's winter coat beautiful??

He is an amazingly affectionate little fellow who jumps up on the rain barrels
every morning so that I will pick him up and cuddle him.

Today is a busy day here on the farm...
last minute grocery shopping to do,
and then the baking and the cooking starts!

How about you....
are you cooking Thanksgiving dinner?
What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods?

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