I paid money for these dreadful soccer pictures????

I paid money for these dreadful soccer pictures????

We finally got the overpriced soccer pictures back. They are dreadful. It's not that Lord Epa didn't take a good picture, he did. He has a nice smile on his face and it would be a good picture of him except for the SHADOW in the picture. I thought these pictures were made by a PROFESSIONAL ???? Would it have been to much to expect that there not be shadows in both the group and individual pictures?

Thank goodness for photoshop, maybe I can fix them. But I shouldn't have to FIX a picture that I paid a professional to make.

- Hunt Week ~ Day 2
We hunted up another picture of Charybdis. Charybdis was very good at hunting soccer balls.  The beans would release the soccer ball into the air and Charybdis would run and capture it, proudly carrying it back to the beans.  For some reason...

- Millie Tagged Socks & Scylla For A Meme
Millie tagged Socks & Scylla for this meme. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.Tag...

- Need Help With Pictures
I could scream! White's Photography took Lord Epa's soccer pictures way back in January. They couldn't wait to cash my check, but boy were they poky getting the pictures to me. I FINALLY got them the end of March. They are HORRIBLE, there...

- Soccer Mishaps
Lord Epa displaced his patella at soccer practice Thursday. They had to call an ambulance to take him to the ER. I was very impressed with the EM-T's and the hospital staff at Ocean Springs hospital. They did their best to make sure Lord Epa was...

- Peppermint Soccer
There is a new game gaining in popularity on farms across America. That game is Peppermint Soccer. Here on Bee Haven Acres we have one of the country's premier players.....Tom Tom, the Omnipresent! He plays every position...in fact, he is a one cat...

