Irving Berlin

Irving Berlin

Israel Baline was born May 11, 1888. He was the youngest of eight children.

- The Truth About Homeschoolers
Why do people feel the need to bash homeschooling. I respect wrekehavoc's right to send her children to public school, why doesn't she respect my right to homeschool? Her post home(school) is anywhere you hang your head is full of BS. First she...

- Richard Leakey & Lord Epa
Richard Erskine Leakey was born on December 19, 1944. Today is my youngest son's birthday. Lord Epa is 17 today. Happy Birthday Lord Epa!!!! ...

- Naesp & Homeschoolers
Regardless of the reason parents decide to home school their children, the fact remains that public schools should work closely with home-schooled children and their parents in order to provide a positive educational experience for the children. "We have...

- Washington Irving
Washington Irving was born in New York City on April 3, 1789 ...

- Otto Von Bismarck
Otto Von Bismarck. A political genius, a strong statesman and a competent leader, Otto Von Bismarck paved the way for the rise of the modern German state. Born on April 1, 1815 in Schonhausen to noble parents, Biscmarck went on to study law at Gottingen...

