It's So Hot....

It's So Hot....

....I feel like I'm melting!

We are in the midst of a string of beautifully sunny, extremely hot days.
Unusually hot.
Too hot.

This little guy, Leo, usually spends his days in the hayloft of the barn,
but with the current weather,
it's cooler outside than in the hayloft!

Leo is the sweetest barn kitty in the world.
He came to our barn as a stray kitten a few years ago 
and has become a happy member of our farm family.

Yesterday morning we tackled the job of manure spreading.
With any luck, we'll get a little rain this week to help drive the composted nutrients
into the ground of our hayfield.

Sammy always likes to take a turn with the tractor....
but has a little trouble reaching the pedals.
You can tell it's hot by the look on his face.
He, too, looks as though he might melt!

This weather's only good for napping!

Hopefully our predicted rain will arrive today or tomorrow.
Behind the rain is a much needed cool front!

We have a big week planned.
Mackenzie and her mommy and her dog Sam are coming to the farm
 for the rest of the week for farm-cation!
And Grammie couldn't be happier!

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