Join the Great School Debate on Dr. Phil

Join the Great School Debate on Dr. Phil

You can join the Great School Debate on Dr. Phil, by clicking here.

The episode is suppose to air on Friday. Needless to say I won't be watching it. Dana and her husband, Joe, call themselves radical unschoolers, for some reason Dr. Phil choose them to represent ALL homeschoolers. Most homeschoolers are not unschoolers, I haven't even meet a unschooler that I know of much less a radical unschooler. And while I respect their choice it is the most controversial and most misunderstood of ALL the homeschooling methods. One would have though if Dr. Phil had REALLY been interested in homeschooling he would have researched the different methods of homeschooling and had them ALL represented on his show. But then I guess he wasn't interested in doing a fair and balanced show on homeschooling. The next couple RaeAnn & Steve don't even homeschool; RaeAnn just wants to homeschool because of the public school shootings. Neither one seems familiar with homeschooling. Then there is Nicole who says she feels like an outcast because she was homeschooled. But then I know plenty of public school students who felt like outcast (I was one of them). Like I said there was nothing fair or balanced about this show, I won't be watching Dr. Phil again.
Robin McGraw's book, Inside My Heart, is a real eye opener. you can read how Dr. Phil locked her in the trunk of his car. Sounds like spouse abuse to me, maybe someone should do a show on that.

- From The Blogosphere
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- Homeschooling Is A Fundamental Right Of Parents
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- Things To Ponder
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- First They Came For The Unschoolers
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- Educational News
Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out. *********************************************************************************...

