Kids at Play

Kids at Play

I just had to share this video with you. We took it yesterday....out playing with the kids. Oh my, they are so very cute! You will love this! It is Forest and Bev at play....leap frog.

- Weekend Wrap-up
It was a cold, gray, drizzly weekend...but there was a bright sunny spot that I basked in... Tyler spent the weekend on Grammie's farm! We spent our days playing Legos, doing puzzles, playing with play dough, and playing with the set of Brio...

I have to share this with you. It's GREEN!Significant green...finally here!The trees and bushes are beginning to won't be long now until everything is bursting into bloom. This little girl took her first long walk on the farm yesterday....

- It's Time!!
We are doing the happy dance this weekin anticipation of the first of our "kids", as in baby goats! Wooooo Hoooooooo!Sissy has reached her due date and should be givingbirth any time now. She is on the inside looking out heredue to inclement weather....

- Staycation
This is an exciting week at the farm.Fun!Busy!Exciting!This week is Staycation. This year, instead of vacationing elsewhere,we are vacationing at home.Hubbs has taken the week off.The kids will all be here (except one) by today.Jack's parents are...

- Look How Chip Has Grown!
You might remember that our fainting goats came to Bee Haven Acres on Memorial Day of 2007. Amongst the group were our two kids....O'Malley and Chip. I thought it might be fun to see how the kids have changed. They are both fully mature. In fact,...

