Love is in the Air by Scylla

Love is in the Air by Scylla

Brian sent me this simply beautiful Valentine. I shall treasure it always my love. ~Scylla

And MoMo sent this to Socks he was overjoyed.

And our dear friend Asta sent this to all of us

We loves her so much.

Socks wanted to do something special for MoMo and of course I wanted to do something special for Brian, so I helped him make a scrapbook. We used pictures we had from previous years to fill it's pages. I hope Brain doesn't mind I added the lovely Valentine he made for me to it's pages. And Artemisia & Fenris made a page for their Secret Admirers who aren't so secret. So this is for Brian, MoMo & All our Friends. We LOVE U All!!!!!

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Note from Artemisia - I didn't dump anyone, but all my suitors seem to have forgotten me. Cody thinks I dumped him. Prince Casper hasn't come by and I haven't seen hide or hair of Herman today. Scylla says the day is still young and I may have a terrific Valentines yet. I sure hope so cause she is having a blast with Brain and I am here all alone. Maybe playing the field wasn't such a smart idea.

Fenris is @ a Valentine party
for dogs.

Just when I thought I was going to be spending Valentines Day all alone ..............

GJ arrived with some flowers and ask me out to lunch. Aren't the flowers pretty? Thank you so much GJ. We are headed off for a romantic lunch at Bayview Gourmet.

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