Man Cat Monday ~Meet Mr. Gecko

Man Cat Monday ~Meet Mr. Gecko

I rescued this little fellow from my sisters. His name is Mr. Mediterranean Gecko. Unfortunately he seems to have misplaced his tail, in Charybdis' mouth.
Do you see me looking out the window? I blend in very well with the dark. On the other hand Charybdis sticks out like a sore thumb.

The beans ran away from home this weekend. First they went to help eldest boy bean move into his dorm room early Friday morning and then they went to see the Grandparents. Mommy and Daddy rode the motorcycle and they didn't get back until late Saturday night. Charybdis and I are watching for them. I am happy to report that we should be back to our regularly scheduled visiting starting today. ~Socks

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

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(Monday)It was late when we got home. Mommy took me in the backyard and gave me some food and water and when I was through eating we walked around the backyard together. We kinda deviated from Cesar's advice because 1.) Since I was neutered that...

- Socks Was Tagged For A Meme
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew...

- El Diario De Los Gatos
September 13, 2007 We are learning Spanish, El Diario De los Gatos, means the diary of the cats, that's us. We have been getting in all sorts of mischief. First Scylla broke Mommies flower pot when she jumped up on the grill to pester Socks (Scylla...

