Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Is the coast clear Scylla? I don't want Mommy to catch me playing.

I received a package in the mail from my friend Mau and the Kitties Blue @ The Cat on My Head.
There was a nice card addressed to ME!

We just love the blue water bottle. I am generously going to allow Mommy to take it on her walks for her and the doggies.

Look at the purrty sticker on the card. Mommy helped me open it so I didn't tear the sticker.

And here are the cute tabby kittens on the card.

I loved the mouse and ball for me to play with.

And the tissue paper. I love tissue paper. The mouse tried to hide under the paper but he didn't escape from ME!

Why do I get the feeling Scylla lied about Mommy being gone.

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion my picture is being taken.

Oh well I'll show them, I'll play anyway.

For an old guy I still have some moves.

OK, I am getting kinda tired.

I am 15 years old you know.

But maybe I'll do a few more pounces, just for fun.

What do I play with next, there is so much to choose from. ~Socks, playing for ATCAD

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- Scylla Sunday
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- Scylla Cubed
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- Meowing Monday With Artemisia
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- Twins On Tuesday ~ Scylla & Charybdis Do The Honest Meme
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