Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 It is really cold out and Mommy is cleaning up the study disturbing my rest. This is VERY RUDE of her. It was to cold to stalk outside in protest so I came stole the dogbed and blankets, in the dining room.

 They are actually very comfortable and warm. No Tuiren, I don't want to snuggle with you. Go away and pester Fenris.

I am going to sleep. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
 I sure did enjoy the FAKE SPRING we had. It was nice and warm.  Tuiren rolled around in the grass and I followed Mommy around. We loved it, than because some STUPID GROUNDHOG saw his shadow it turned cold again. Me and Socks are going groundhog...

- Tabby Tuesday
Mancat Monday got co-opted by the Highland Games so Tuiren said I could post today. I am just taking things easy and waiting for it to warm up outside. I don't like the cold weather. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD ...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy had fun playing with this picture. I thinks it came out rather well. It is freezing outside so me and Fenny are staying inside where it is warm. We likes being able to look out the door. This is where Fenny sleeps at night. I usually sleeps in the...

- Mancat Monday
 I stole Fenris', Tuiren's Mr. Who's bed.  It is very comfy. I could sleep here all day, it is also very large would you like to come snuggle with me Samantha? In fact I thinks it is the perfect size for a slumber party. So's...

- Scylla Sunday
 When it is cold I likes to stay inside and sleep in Eldest Boy Bean's bed with Socks. Do any of you want to come join us? A kitty pile is just the thing to stay warm on a cold winter day. Well behaved doggies are welcome too.  I enjoyed...

