Meanwhile, At the Duck Pond...

Meanwhile, At the Duck Pond...

Part of my every day chores is a stop at the duck pond to feed the ducks and fish.

We have kept a stable population for several months now...
5 tame ducks and 4 wild mallards that now call our pond home.
At one point we were up to 36 ducks,
but the local fox population caused our numbers to dwindle significantly.

Sadly, all of our tame ducks are males, so we have no hopes for repopulating our flock 
with its present members.
I will be ordering new ducklings next year, instead.

As for fish...
there is a school of several koi who are descendants of two koi that were
dropped off in our pond about 12 years or more ago.

Over the years we have enjoyed watching koi of all sizes in the pond.
However, presently there only seems to be a group of this large size living.
Perhaps there are other pond inhabitants that eat their eggs...
or perhaps, like the ducks, there are only males left.

Regardless, each morning I throw several scoops of fish food into the pond for the fish...

and each morning, a lot of that food gets snatched up by hungry ducks.
There is always a dish of duck feed on the bank of the pond,
but they seem to prefer the fish food.
This was a problem when we had ducklings,
because fish food is too high in protein for ducklings and can cause a deformity called "angel wing"
in youngsters.

The fish food doesn't seem to cause any harm in adults, however.

And for the life of me I cannot figure out a way to feed only the fish
and not the ducks as well.
If you have any suggestions...they would be greatly appreciated!

Up in the barn, I have noticed more than one "Lucille" visiting with our Kenny Rogers.
Although all of the "Lucilles" are identical (and there are several of them)...
the way that I know that two have been there is the presence of two eggs in the wheelbarrow
by noontime each day. lucky fellow!

Lastly, I wanted to share yesterday's sunrise with you.

The horizon was ablaze with a fiery orange...
with the gradients of tangerine to lavender in the sky above.
What you cannot see in the picture is a line of heavy grey clouds in the west
that moved quickly over the farm bringing rain.

It ended up being a good day to work on Christmas presents (knitting).

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