Miscellany and Morning Musings

Miscellany and Morning Musings

Early morning...
one of my favorite times...

watching the sunrise...
the land bathed in misty moistness...

Morning is a favorite time for the horses, too....

The goats are gearing up for mating season.
The does spend most of the day painting hooves, 
and giggling about the bucks...you know.....
who has a "crush" on who....and so on.

The bucks continue to apply cheap aftershave...
so they can be ready at a moment's notice!

For those of you wondering how Eileen is getting along....
She is still one-legged, but getting around quite well.

I am worried though.
It looks like she has a large tumor 
on the bottom of her left foot.
I'll have Dr. Becky take a look at it today.

The turkeys have discovered Ritz Crackers, too.
If anyone from Nabisco reads this blog,
please consider sending me a few free boxes...
it is the favorite treat of just about the entire farm!

I checked on the Roosters in their bachelor pad 
and look what they hung...
a new sign!
Crazy Roos!

And last, but not least,
I found the perfect farm truck.

This little gem was parked a few miles from the farm
at our favorite milkshake stop.

With a little artistic work (or Photoshop)
I could transform this truck to....
What do you think???

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