Missing My Brother

Missing My Brother

Whiskers was my older brother. I still misses him a lot. He made me feel welcome the very first day I came to live here as a young kitten. We hung out together all the time until he died in 2007 because of the petfood recall. He has a blog Whiskers ~ The Last Meow, it deals with animal welfare issues so sometimes the post are a bit sad and Mommy hasn't posted on there in a long time.  When he was alive we didn't know about cat blogging and Facebook, which is a shame because he would have LOVED IT.  He loved meeting new people and animals. He even brought home a dog once, it was a Cocker Spaniel the kids named Jello. Besides being a handsome Tuxie boy he was a Hemingway Cat and he could open cabinets with his paws and liked to get under the sink in the bathroom and sit on the towels. He was adopted in December he was a Christmas present for the boys and grew up with them. ~Socks

- Mancat Monday
 I wanted to share my brother Whiskers with you. He would have loved pet blogging. He didn't like being an only pet and was always bringing pets home (dogs and cats) and going to visit with them. When I came to live here he took me under his...

- Siblings On Sunday By Socks
This is my brother Whiskers. Eldest Boy bean has a cat pillow that looks like Whiskers and Whiskers loved to sleep on it. Whiskers is at the foot of the bed and my brother Squal~n~Baby is by the pillows. They were helping Mommy with the laundry. Squal~n~Baby...

- World Cat Day
Zoolatry says today is World Cat Day. We are going to celebrate by letting Mommy tell you a little about each of us. This is Whiskers, while this isn't the best picture I have of him it is the last picture I took of him before he went to the Rainbow...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ The Whiskers Edition
Thirteen Things about Whisker Whiskers was a Hemingway Cat. Whiskers used his paws like hands and could open my cabinet doors. Whiskers loved my electric throw, so he got his very own for Christmas 2006. Whiskers loved sitting in my lap, when I was...

- Whiskers The Supreme Ruler Of The Universe
Where do I start he completely enslaved us from day one, and has been part of my life for half my marriage. Whiskers was Shining Celebi's Christmas present when he was 6 or 7. We found Whiskers through the YMCA Pet Shelter, he was being fostered...

